Consumables and Beddings

All products we offer, focused mainly on basal stimulation, are created iteratively, based on the many suggestions of our customers. We set ourselves apart from our competition by paying attention and listening to what you have to say. If a product is completely missing on the market, we seek ways to solve this. Our mission is to improve the quality of care, both from the point of view of the client/patient and from the point of view of the nurses/caretakers. We reach this goal thanks to high-quality products. We don't compromise when it comes to quality.

We focus on manufacturing beddings used in social and health services where one of the main demands is that the materials must withstand maintenance, especially high-temperature washing/drying. Our beddings are attested by the state authorized testing laboratory in Zlín, which guarantees that our cushions and blankets will not shrink or become feltlike at the first contact with the washing room.